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Forest School To-You
Online Science & Nature Programs
K-12 + Adult

Is your household, quaranteam, or homeschool pod looking for a fun, educational activity to add to your routine?
If you are local to the area around Fayetteville, NY, I offer Environmental Education programs, Nature Activities, and Guided Nature Walks for all ages.
Forest School-to-You brings engaging and affordable outdoor science lessons to your students to help build environmental literacy, critical thinking skills, nature awareness, and a sense of place and community.
I meet your group at an agreed-upon location near you and tailor your program to your specific needs. The programs can include connections to any of the core subject areas and can be structured to meet Next Generation Science Standards. They can also incorporate topics such as music, art, yoga, and scout skills/outdoor survival. I follow strict social distance guidelines to promote the safety of all participants.
Photo Below: I lead a group of children from three families in a game to learn about the life cycle and migration of Monarch Butterflies (while keeping a safe distance apart)

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