Nature Journal Club:
Writing Workshop Wednesdays
“Stories are everywhere, if we know how to look.”
–How to Teach Nature Journaling
In nature journaling, we use a mixture of words, pictures, and numbers. Join us for this new weekly workshop where we focus on WORDS. We’ll explore writing for different purposes: writing to observe, to think, to imagine, and to communicate.
Writing mechanics (spelling/grammar/etc.) are not important here, so don’t worry if that aspect of writing isn’t your strength. This workshop is about using words to unlock our creativity and our connection to nature. How can we use writing to blend our scientific curiosity with our experiences and emotions? How are we a part of the stories we observe?
We’ll examine the work of well-known nature writers and conservationists to get inspiration, but this is all about finding YOUR voice and what’s true for you.
Each workshop will feature an interactive activity and an opportunity to share your writing.
All ages and skill levels are welcome.
The program is free, but if you can afford to contribute I would appreciate your support. This allows me to continue to provide free and low-cost programs for the nature journal community. If not, please pass it on by doing a kind act in your community!
Suggested donation: $15
Click here to join the workshop: